A little Gem called Eskay Kids

My journey began with them when I looked at the centre for my son. As we walked through the doors we were greeted by a delightful and insightful director. We soon began exploring and learning all that Eskay had to offer. It was so nice to be greeted by such happy team members! As an educator myself I was immediately impressed as to how calm and how the children were so engaged in their play. Weather it was creating something, digging up the mud to find worms or splashing in a leftover rain puddle – every child was happy and content. It can be nerve raking to find caring and nurturing people (outside of family & friends) to look after your precious little one. But the warmth I felt every time I dropped him off along with a strong sense of reassurance that my child was cared for and happy put my mind at ease.

It didn’t take my son long to feel his sense of security so he could explore the new play environment. It was great he would come home filthy (which is an indication of a busy day!) and tell me all about his day, asking when it was another kindy day! His educators were lovely and would talk to me about what he had been doing – he was very into anything to do with art and they would be so proud of his work just as much as we were. Coming from a structed based centre to this free-flowing natural play was inspiring!

Now I am a part of this amazing team! It was a real eye opener to see such organic play. The openness means there is no limits as to what a child can discover! The transitions for meal or sleep times is effortless, educators asking what the child wants to do, listening to them and calming explaining the benefits of eating well and resting our bodies, engaging the child to listen to their body – this is building the foundations to life skills! Instead of hiding from the rain children are encouraged to play in it! Sensory play at its most basic – its inviting and fun!

I love that the children are expressing interest in a range of experiences and that there is so much hands on, machinal learning which the educators are present to in order to guide but allow the children to make the discovery on their own. Everything is accessible for children so their quest for knowledge is met and can be extended on.

The respect the team has to one another as well as children and their families is beyond outstanding! To be greeted with a smile and hug really brings out a strong sense of care and family. To know you can talk and collaborate with one another about anything gives you a sense of confidence and belonging.

The possibilities are endless for all to learn and play here at this natural and inviting home-like cottage. With wonderful people who are understanding and go beyond their duty of care to ensure each child feels safe and secure knowing they can play freely with no limits, but still knowing they are being cared for as they play, laugh and grow.


Kyra Barker – Group Leader