Children & Road Safety – Tips from around the Web

Road safety is extremely important, especially for children as they aren’t mature enough or educated at young ages to instinctually understand road safety. In this article, we have collected a variety of reputable tips from across the web to inform this blog on Children road safety.


  1. Children need Active Supervision around Roads up until the ages 11/12:
    While this may not be everyone’s opinion on the matter, a variety of articles from the likes of Government sites to Raising Children sites suggest supervision for children up to 11 or 12 years of age. Children with special needs may need supervision up until mid-teens.
  2. Model Safe Behaviour & Communicate:
    When crossing the road, waiting for traffic etc make sure to always do the right thing (the safest thing) and be vocal about your decision in doing so. By saying things like “Let’s wait for all the cars and then we can walk across” impresses upon your children the right habits to get into when it comes to road safety.
  3. Driveways are one of the most danger prone areas!
    This one is more for you as parents. Ensure you always check the driveway twice before pulling in and out, especially pulling in. Also, ensure you pull in and out extremely slowly, so if your children are playing in the drive way they have time to move out of the way.
  4. Follow Road Rules:
    Something that might not seem as important but is almost equally as important as the above-mentioned tips is following road rules when you’re driving. Anything road related matters. So, try your best to model safe and considerate driving habits. It might seem crazy, but children really latch onto everything their parents do and say. So, ensuring they perceive road behaviour in a safe and cautious way is pertinent.


The tips in this article have been curated from various reputable sources from around the web in order to provide informed and insightful opinions on the matter. Road safety is something that needs to be carefully considered as a parent, and as a member of the community. We all have a part to play and it’s important to be aware of the role we all play.