How to Assess Your Child’s School Readiness

A child may find it difficult to cope with the pressure of attending school for the first time. Children are not in the habit of staying away from their loved ones for a couple of hours. It becomes our responsibility as parents to make this transition as smooth as possible for our child. To help a child get prepared for school mentally and physically, parents need to follow some essential steps. Among several ways to prepare a child for school, the most important one is to assess their school readiness. School readiness can be defined as a child’s various emotional, behavioral, and learning abilities. Child care Capalaba emphasizes a few factors given below to assess your child’s readiness:


Your child should be able to gel with other children of his age without your command or direction. To make sure that your child is ready for school, he should be able to play with other groups in the school. If he finds hard to mingle with others in the group initially, he should be able to play independently. Your child should not feel threatened by the presence of other children. He should be at ease when he comes in the touch of new children and socialises with them through language. Therefore, he should be able to convey the basic things essential for socialising at school. A child should be able to identify letters and their sounds.


Kindergarten Karana strives to make your child emotionally independent. They help the child accept the new environment with ease and cope with it without facing any hurdles. These steps are essential for the school readiness of your child. He should be able to concentrate on a particular task without getting distracted. Your child should not have any issue while following his teachers’ directions. You may start by familiarizing him with the school’s atmosphere and its system which will help him function successfully.


You must ensure that the child must be healthy and strong enough to participate in important school activities. He should not lack the required coordination significant for these activities. The child should be able to race, climb, jump, and play in the school without any supervision. The child should have fine motor skills necessary for turning pages and holding a pencil on his own. If the child is not able to do these basic things independently, you must take steps to make him school ready. Child care centre Springfield leaves no stone unturned to make children comfortable in the school.


Children receive all the necessary help and guidance from their teachers in the school. But, instead of relying solely on teachers, make your child independent enough to face new things at school on his own. This is the reason why they require essential basic skills to handle their requirements without any supervision.


Before sending your child to school, always assess his school readiness. The child should be able to do basic things like holding a pencil, unwrapping lunch, eating lunch, managing his belongings, etc. If the child is facing hurdles doing these basic things, it is important to make him school ready first. Never compete with your friends and neighbours and use your own discretion in deciding when to send your child to school. Early childhood education Springfield focuses on enhancing the basic skills of your children.