I have had the absolute privilege of being able to help take our Bluegum children to Mayfield over the last couple of months. My daughter Karen spent the first part of the year coming home from her trip every month telling us about what magical adventures she had gotten up to whether it were going to the eagles nest, swimming in the river or picking veggies in the vegetable garden. Seeing her eyes light up every time for myself as a parent was amazing and I wanted to see what this magical place that envoked such passion would look like and feel like if I were to go with the group.
Much like Sheree’s sentiment, I had previously been at a centre that didn’t follow my personal philosophy in that I believe that bringing nature to play and being able to play at the child’s pace is so important for children’s learning. I didn’t like the strict routines and boundaries that prevented natural learning to occur. Finding Eskay was a breath of fresh air and discovering Mayfield was part of the curriculum blew my mind.
Growing up in the UK this kind of beautiful excursion program does not exist. My parents would pay for a two week holiday for a similar experience of being with the animals and having that farm feeling. This is such an amazing thing that our children are able to experience first hand.
I asked Summa if it would be possible to experience Mayfield with my daughter as one of the educators and was invited to continuously work with Evie, Sue-Ellen and Julie (before she left onto wonderful things) with each of the three Mayfield groups to which I immediately said yes.
The biggest thing I learnt very quickly was that there is always something new to see or do at Mayfield. We are so fortunate to have Mr Bruce who takes us to and from Mayfield and to be able to listen to his words of wisdom. Mr Bruce is a fountain of knowledge and you can see when he shares Mayfield with the children he loves sharing his knowledge and engaging in the fun. They all love him and can’t wait to play with him. One of our favourite pastimes apart from the vegetable garden is if we visit the dam or the river we hurry up the hill and hide, racing him to the top. We always manage to scare him and he’s not beaten us yet. I feel that all of us, educators included learn something new each time we go.
I’ve watched each of the children grow on this Mayfield journey. Whether it be working on those muscles to be able to complete a full swing on the rope swing, gaining confidence to go into the water or pat an animal or simply finding the thing to be passionate about. I’ve watched the children make a simple quarry full of mud, turn the dam into a fun muddy kitchen and use the river for swimming, fishing and a place for magical mermaids to live. The learning they get from this space honestly is magical and I love watching their eyes light up every time we go.
I am so proud to be a part of this program and to have been given this opportunity. Mayfield holds a special place not only for the children but in my heart as well. One of which I know we will never forget.
Written by Laura Miles – Educator – Eskay Kids Springfield