Our Sense of Wonder
I wonder why ….
I wonder how ….
I wonder if ….
The sense of wonder ….
We are all born with an innate sense of wonder, a feeling of awe and amazement over the world around us, and an affinity for nature. It means that we have the innocence and curiosity to be wowed and fascinated even by the smallest things, and to see their uniqueness. Children are naturally curious and interested, with a great imagination and a special ability to see beauty and good all around them.
Every day we observe the sense of wonder in action as children explore the natural environment around them at Mayfield. As educators we acknowledge the importance of time, nature and uninterrupted play to allow the child to wonder. We act as co-discoverers who ask questions and encourage the child’s inquisitiveness and curiosity. To do this, as educators we need a sense of awe and wonder within us. We become the researcher and never assume that we have a complete understanding, connecting with the child on their level, following their lead while respecting and honouring the journey the sense of wonder takes us on.
As Teacher Tom shares, ‘play is curriculum’. It is freely chosen, self-directed and open-ended. It is the highest form of research allowing children to ask and answer their own questions, developing that sense of wonder. When play is uninterrupted it comes to a natural end, providing children time to seek the answers to the questions they are asking.
Nurturing this sense of wonder early encourages a lifetime of learning and this takes time. With uninterrupted play and nature based learning, children are given the time to wonder. As educators we need to recapture our innate sense of wonder at what is around us so that we can transfer this gift to our children.
Written by our Early Childhood Teacher at Mayfield …. Charman Tupper