Set Your Child Up For Success with Play-based Learning

All parents want to provide their children with the best in everything. For many parents, this may mean balancing playtime with education. Kindergarten in Capalaba strongly emphasizes early education and play-based learning. An approach that has gained significant momentum in recent years is play-based learning. According to a recent research, play-based education helps in boosting children’s academic and developmental learning. It may help in preparing your child for greater success by imparting vital skills. 

What is Play-based Learning?

Many teachers believe that playing is the perfect environment for learning. In such an environment, children should be able to explore, experiment, spot, and resolve problems in a playful yet imaginative manner. Child care in Capalaba has discovered that children take a keen interest in things when taught playfully.

Benefits of Pay-based Learning

Discussed below are the three benefits of play-based learning for children:

1. Involvement:

It is worth noting that play-based learning should involve the childs interest and the teachers support. Teachers play an important role in inspiring childrens learning and inquisitiveness via communications. 

2. Social Interactions:

As play-based learning is based on inquiry-based nature, it promotes social interactions between children and teachers. Teachers at child care centre Capalaba tries to actively participate in guiding and motivating children’s interactions in play. Teachers try to support children in establishing social skills like sharing, cooperation, reacting to ideas, resolving issues, etc. Teachers may also use childrens vast motivation and curiosity to learn more about their concepts and ideas. 

3. Improvement in Abilities:

A recent study discovered that play-based learning helps in boosting children’s vocabulary and story narration abilities. One cannot diminish the importance of teacher-led learning and direct instruction methods. However, there are several benefits of play-based programs. When a child spends time in play-based programs, it is seen as crucial learning and not the reward for ideal behavior. It is interesting to note that children in such a classroom have more active input into what and how they grasp.


Play-based programs can offer a strong foundation for later success in school and college life. They can effectively support the healthy development of children and help them take a keen interest in education. These programs help in preparing them for the challenges in life and create unique solutions accordingly.